Set a health goal with Wildermart. Our AI will remember your goal on every visit. It will match you with the right products from our 100% label-checked, pre-verified catalogue of products. Over time, you will discover new products & brands that match with your goal. This makes your healthy eating habit full of healthy + tasty choices and very easy to build.

Matching foods to your goals

Eat Heart Healthy

Eat high fiber, good fats & low sodium. They help reduce cholesterol, trigylcerides & blood pressure.

Eat Less Sugar

Lower sugar, better sweeteners, less refined sugar to meet your cravings, with much less damage.

Improve Gut Health

Fiber, prebiotics & probiotics for growth in gut bacteria without the processed foods which kill them.

Lose Weight

Low calorie, high fiber & high protein diet to give you the same energy without the bulk.

Eat Less Processed Foods

Eat minimally processed foods without artificial additives, trans or saturated fat, high sodium & refined ingredients.

Automate healthy eating

Eating healthy is tough to remember to do all day, everyday. Our AI can help ensure you stay on track.

Set a goal

Pick 1 goal from our 5 chosen gentle goals

Put AI to work

Our AI will match the right foods to you & your goal

Keep revisiting

Improve AI reccos by spending more time here

Easy replenish

Get automated reminders to re-stock & stay on track