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More about Jams & Preserves

Jam, jelly, and preserves are all types of fruit spreads, but they differ in their consistency and the presence of fruit pieces. Here's a breakdown of their characteristics: Jam: Jam is made by crushing or chopping fruit into a pulp, then cooking it with sugar until the mixture thickens. It has a thick, spreadable texture with small pieces or chunks of fruit incorporated into the spread. Jelly: Jelly is made by extracting juice from fruit, then filtering it to remove any solids or pulp. The juice is then cooked with sugar and pectin, a natural thickening agent, resulting in a clear, smooth, and gel-like texture. Jelly does not contain any fruit pieces. Preserves: Preserves are made by cooking whole fruits or large pieces of fruit with sugar until they reach a thick and chunky consistency. Unlike jam, preserves usually have larger fruit pieces suspended in a thick syrup or gel. Ways to enjoy jams and preserves: Spread on toast or bread: One of the most popular ways to enjoy jams and preserves is by spreading them on freshly baked bread or toast. The sweet and fruity flavors complement the mildness of the bread. Pair with cheese: Jams and preserves can be paired with various types of cheese for a delightful combination of sweet and savory flavors. They work well with both soft and hard cheeses. Use as a topping: Jams and preserves can be used as toppings for pancakes, waffles, or French toast, adding a burst of flavor to your breakfast. Fill pastries and desserts: Jams and preserves can be used as fillings for pastries, cakes, tarts, and cookies. They add moisture, sweetness, and a fruity element to your baked goods. Mix into yogurt or oatmeal: Add a spoonful of jam or preserve to plain yogurt or oatmeal to enhance the taste and add a fruity twist. Glazes and sauces: Jams and preserves can be used as glazes for roasted meats, such as ham or chicken, or as a base for sweet and tangy sauces. These are just a few examples, but feel free to experiment and get creative with how you incorporate jams and preserves into your meals and snacks. Mini collection Fruit-based: Fruit-based products derive their flavors and sweetness from natural fruits. Whether it's jams, juices, or desserts, they offer a burst of fruity goodness and vital nutrients. Artificial sugar-free: Artificial sugar-free jams are perfect for individuals looking to reduce their sugar intake while still enjoying sweet treats. Jaggery-based: This collection is made with jaggery, a traditional unrefined sugar made from sugarcane or date palm sap. With its rich, caramel-like flavor, jaggery adds depth and complexity to dishes. It's commonly used in Indian cuisine for desserts, snacks, and even savory dishes, offering a unique taste and a touch of natural sweetness. Preservative-free jams: Preservative-free jams prioritize natural ingredients and exclude artificial preservatives. These jams are made with fresh fruits, natural sweeteners, and often rely on heat processing or refrigeration to maintain freshness. They provide a wholesome and flavorful option for those seeking to minimize their consumption of synthetic additives while enjoying the natural goodness of fruits.